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LA ROVERE, Emílio. (Co-autor). Criteria for evaluation of research and investment projects for new and renewable sources of energy. Barbados: CEPAL; PNUD, 1981.[Trabalho apresentado na UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON NEW AND RENEWABLE SOURCES OF ENERGY, Nairobi, August 1981].

OLIVEIRA, Adilson, ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli. Os Choques do petróleo e a agricultura de subsistência no Brasil. In: SIMPÓSIO SOBRE ESTRATÉGIAS ENERGÉTICAS PARA AGRICULTURA DE SUBSISTÊNCIA, México, 1981. México: Colégio de México, 1981. 58 p.

SCHECHTMAN, Rafael. Analysisof filtered venting as a mitigation safety feature in PWRs with large, dry containment. In: INTERNATIONAL ANS / ENS Topical Meeting on Probabilistic Risk Assessment, Port Chester (USA), 1981.

ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli, ARAÚJO, João Lizardo Rodrigues Hermes. O Programa Nacional do Álcool brasileiro: origens, desenvolvimento, análise crítica. In: SEMINÁRIO CENTRO STUDI ENERGIA (CESEN), Gênova, 1982. 66 p.

ALVEAL CONTRERAS, Edelmira Carmem. Metodologia de construção do diagnóstico energético del Estado do Rio de Janeiro. In: CURSO LATINO AMERICANO DE PLANIFICACION ENERGETICA, 5, Quito, 1987. 37 p.

ARAÚJO, João Lizardo Rodrigues Hermes Planification enérgétique au Brésil: application de la methodologia du reseau CEE à l État de Rio de Janeiro. In: ATELIER DE PLANIFICATION ENERGETIQUE, Argelia, 1987. 39 p.

AROUCA, Mauricio C., ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli, RODRIGUES, A .J. P. Reflexões sobre a variação da intensidade energética nas indústrias grandes consumidores de energia. In: SEMINÁRIO LATINO AMERICANO SOBRE ANÁLISE E PREVISÃO DE DEMANDA DE ENERGIA, Caracas, 1987. Caracas: Universidades Simon Bolivar, 1987. 15 p.

ARAÚJO, João Lizardo Rodrigues Hermes. Structural analysis of eneergy economy relationships in rasilian industry. In: IAEA COURSE AT IJUBJANA, 1983. 23 p.

AROUCA, Mauricio Cardoso. The Structure of energy demand in the residential sector in Brazil. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERUNIVERSITÁRIO DE ENERGIA, 2, Santiago, November 1983. 17 p.

GUIMARÃES, Gonçalo, ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli. Energia na indústria de materiais de construção e comparação entre diferentes opções técnicas de habitações. In: VIVENDO EN AMÉRICA LATINA: programa de estudos, Medelin, 1983. 32 p.

OLIVEIRA, Adilson, ARAÚJO, João Lizardo Rodrigues Hermes. Response of the brazilian industrial sector oil shock. In: SIMPÓSIO INTERUNIVERSITÁRIO DE ENERGIA, 2, Santiago, noviembre 1983. 23 p.

PICCININI, M. S.; TOLMASQUIM, Mauricio Tiomno; COSTA, F. F. J. The Policy of alcohol in Brazil in the last five years. In: CONGRESSO INTERUNIVERSITARIO DE ENERGÍA, 1983, Santiago. Anais& Santiago, 1983, p. 397-413

ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli. Specific case of large energy systems impact in Brazil, risk assessment and management of nuclear energy. In: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF ENERGY SYSTEMS,RISK ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT IN THE EIGHTIES, S. Miniato, Pisa, June 1983. Italy, 1983.

TOLMASQUIM, Mauricio Tiomno., et alii. A Política do álcool no Brasil nos últimos 5 anos. In: CONGRESSO INTERUNIVERSITÁRIO DE ENERGIA, 2, Santiago, noviembre 1983.

LA ROVERE, Emílio Lèbre. Financiamento e administração financeira do pré-investimento: a experiência da FINEP na área de energia. In: SEMINÁRIO TALLER SOBRE FINANCIAMENTO Y LA ADMINISTRACION FINANCIERA DE LA PREVENSION, Lima, 21 nov. a 2 dez., 1988. Anais... Lima: BID, 1988.

ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli. A Military area in Brazil for underground nuclear tests. In: PUGWASH CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE & WORLD AFFAIRS, 37, Áustria, 1988.

TOLMASQUIM, Mauricio Tiomno. Energy demand adaptations to the oil shocks - Brazil, 1973- 85. In: ENERGY AND ECONOMIC GROWTH REVISITED, 1988, Luxemburgo, 1988.

ARAÚJO, João Lizardo Rodrigues Hermes. Evolution and perspective of the brazilian energy information system. In: AHUJA, D. R., et alii. In: INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NATIONAL ENERGY DATA SYSTEM, New Delli, 1984. Proceedings... New Delii: Concept Publishing Company, 1984. 13 p.

ARAÚJO, João Lizardo Rodrigues Hermes. Potential and limits of quantitative methods in energy planning for LDC s: reflexion on the brazilian experience. In: INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR OF METHODOLOGY AND INSTITUTION FOR ENERGY PLANNING, Rio de Janeiro, 1984. Proceedings... 15 p.

OLIVEIRA, Adilson. La Necessité de depasser le bilan comme instrument d analyse du systeme energétique des pays du tiers monde. In: SEMINÁRIO ISPRA, Bruxelles, 1984. 29 p.

OLIVEIRA, Adilson. La Planification energétique: méthodes et structures institutionnelles. In: SEMINÁRIO ISPRA, Bruxellles, 1984. 30 p.

ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli. Energy in the residential sector in Brazil. In: MEETING OF THE ENERGY PLANNING PROJECT OF THE UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY, Rio de Janeiro, 1984.

ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli., et alii. Search for baryonium in pp. reaction. In: PARTICLES AND NUCLEI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Alemanha, August 1984.

ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli, SALAMA, Célia.. Potential and and limitations of biomass production for energy purposes: vegelables oils compared with alcohol. In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE RISKS AND BENIFITES OF ENERGY SYSTEMS, Julich, April 1984. Proceedings... Julich: IAEA/UN, 1984. p. 537-551.

ARAÚJO, João Lizardo Rodrigues Hermes. Energy and development: energy scenarios for Rio de Janeiro. In: IAEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 12, New Delli, 1989.

AROUCA, Mauricio, RODRIGUES, Adriano José Pires. An Analisys of energy use in the residential sector. In: LATIN AMERICAN SEMINAR OF ENERGY IN THE RESIDENTIAL SECTOR, San Jose, Costa Rica, December 1989.

AROUCA, Mauricio C.; ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli; RODRIGUES, Adriano. Reflexões sobre a variação da intensidade energética. In: SEMINARIO LATINOAMERICANO SOBRE ANÁLISIS Y PREVISIÓN DE DEMANDA A LARGO PLAZO EN LOS SECTORES DE GRAN CONSUMO DE ENERGIA, 3, 1989, Caracas (Venezuela). Anais... v. 01, p. 417- 430

LA ROVERE, Emílio Lèbre. Biomass development through integrated systems in Brazil. In: EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES CONFERENCE ON BIOMASS FOR ENERGY AND INDUSTRY, 5, October 1989. Proceedings...p. 1109-1112. v. 2.

LA ROVERE, Emílio Lèbre. The integration of new energy technologies within the socioeconomic context of developing countries: the case of biomass in Brazil. In: EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES CONFERENCE ON BIOMASS FOR ENERGY AND INDUSTRY, 5, Oct., 1989. Lisboa, Proceedings...p. 627-31. v. 1.

LA ROVERE, Emílio Lèbre. Scientific and technological cooperation opportunities between Brazil and Europe in the field of energy from biomass. In: WORKSHOP ON BIOMASS ENERGY FOR THE FUTURE, 15-17 April, 1989, Lisboa, Proceedings&6 p.

LA ROVERE, Emílio Lèbre. A Utilização da prospectiva na tomada de decisões de política científico-tecnológica: o caso do setor de energia no Brasil. In: WORKSHOP INTERNACIONAL PROSPECTIVA E ESTRATÉGIA , maio 1989. Anais... São Paulo: USP/IEA. 1989.

LA ROVERE, Emílio Lèbre, DIAS, Danilo de Souza., (Org). SEMINÁRIO SOBRE INTRODUÇÃO DE TECNOLOGIAS ENERGÉTICAS ALTERNATIVAS NO BRASIL ATÉ O ANO 2000, Montevidéu, 1989. Anais... Montevidéu: UNESCO, 1989. 2 v. (Coleção FINEP / PNUD / UNESCO Capacitação para a Tomada de Decisões na Área de Energia).

LA ROVERE, Emílio Lèbre. Sistemas Integrados de produção de energia e alimentos no Brasi. In: SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE ECOSSISTEMAS, ALIMENTOS E ENERGIA, Montevidéu, 1985. Anais... Montevidéu: UNESCO, 1985. p. 15-74.

ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli. The Dange of a nuclear race in Latin America. In: PUGWASH CONFERENCE ON SCIENCE AND WORLD AFFAIRS, 35, July 1985. Anais... S.l., 1985. p. 226-30.

ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli et alii. Cost effctiviness of risk reduction measures for nuclear plants. In: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS, San Diego, 1985. [Session 3.3]. p. 5.

SCHAEFFER, Roberto. Environmental impacts of large hydroelectric power plants in Brazil. In: VEZIROGLU, T. Nejat. Alternative Energy Sources: energy economics & planning. New York: Hemisphere Publishing, 1987. p. 535-548. [Trabalho apresentado em MIAMI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES, 7, Miami Beach, Dec., 1985. Proceedings... Cora Gables, Florida: Clean Energy Res. Institute, 1985. p. 584-585].

ARAÚJO, João Lizardo Rodrigues Hermes. Energy forecasting: COPPE s experience. In: USBRAZIL WORKSHOP ON ENERGY SURNEYS AND FORECASTING METHODOLOGIES, Washington, D.C., 4-6 December 1990. 13 p.

ARAÚJO, João Lizardo Rodrigues Hermes Brasil: Alcohol at the crossroads. In: WORLD CONFERENCE ON ENERGY AND AGRICULTURE, 2, Brescia, 1986. 9 p.

OLIVEIRA, Adilson. Les contraintes de la planification energétique dans les PVD: methodologie de la planification; formation des cadres; structures institutionnelles. In: SÉMINAIRE DE PLANIFICATION ENERGETIQUE, Luxemborg, 1986.

LA ROVERE, Emílio Lèbre. (Org.), et alii. INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON FOOD, ENERGY AND THE ECOSYSTEM, Montevidéu, 1986. Proceedings... Montevidéu: UNESCO, 1986. (Coleção FINEP / PNUD / UNESCO. Capacitação para a Tomada de Decisões na Área de Energia).

ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli, LINS, Marcos Estellita. Energia para o meio urbano: aspectos do Rio de Janeiro. In: SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE ENERGIA E DESARROLLO URBANO, La Plata, junio 1986.

ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli, PASCOTTO, Sidney. Energia no transporte de alimentos para o abastecimento da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. In: SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE ENERGIA E DESARROLLO URBANO, La Plata, junio 1986.

ROSA, Luiz Pinguelli, SCHAEFFER, Roberto Risk and environmental impact of hydroelectricity in Brazil. In: IAEA WORKSHOP ASSESSING AND MANAGING HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL RISKS FROM ENERGY AND OTHER COMPLEX INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS, Paris, October 1986, Proceedings of the Technical Committee Meeting: joint IAEA, ILO/ UNEP/ WHO. Workshop on assessing and managing health and environmental risks from energy and other complex industrial systems, Paris: IAEA, 1986, 22 p.
