The areas of concentration of the Graduate Program in Energy Planning are:
Energy Planning and Environmental Planning. Each of these areas of concentration includes the following lines of research:
- Energy Planning: Energy Economy, Energy Models, Energy Technology, and Energy and the Environment.
- Environmental Planning: Environmental Economics, Environmental Models, Environmental Management, and Energy and the Environment.
In its research, the PPE has stood out in topics related to significant recent issues, both nationally and internationally, such as:
- Development of models for energy planning;
- Studies on the institutional reforms of the energy sector;
- Regulation of energy markets;
- Rational use of electric energy and petroleum derivatives;
- Development and application of methodologies for the assessment of environmental impacts;
- Energy and environmental indicators;
- Development and application of methodologies for the assessment of environmental costs;
- Environmental management, quality and auditing;
- Greenhouse gas emissions inventory;
- Study of methane and carbon dioxide emissions in hydroelectric reservoirs;
- Assessment of greenhouse gas abatement costs;
- Alternative energy sources;
- Land and biomass use;
- Industrial ecology;
- Integrated Assessment Modelling (IAM).