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COSTA, A.O.; OLIVEIRA, L.B.; LINS, M.P.E.; SILVA, A.C.M.; ARAUJO; M.S.M.; PEREIRA JR, Amaro O.; ROSA, L.P. “Sustainability analysis of biodiesel production: A review on different resources in Brazil”. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 27 (2013) pp. 407-412.

PEREIRA JR, Amaro O.; COSTA, Ricardo C.; COSTA,Cláudia V.; MARRECO, Juliana M.; LA ROVERE, Emílio L. “Perspectives for the Expansion of New Renewable Sources in Brazil”.Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 23 (2013) pp. 49-59.

LA ROVERE, Emílio L.; DUBEUX, Carolina B.S.; PEREIRA JR, Amaro O.; Wills, William. “Climate Change Mitigation Actions in Brazil”. Climate and Development. 5 (2013) pp. 1-9..

LA ROVERE, Emílio L.; DUBEUX, Carolina B.S.; PEREIRA JR, Amaro O.; Wills, William. “Climate Change Mitigation Actions in Brazil”. Climate and Development. In press, 2013.
