SCHMIDT, Johannes; CANCELLA, Rafael; PEREIRA JR, Amaro O. An optimal mix of solar PV, wind and hydro power for a low-carbon electricity supply in Brazil. RENEWABLE ENERGY, v. 85, p. 137-147, 2016.

MACHADO SOARES, Pedro P. B. ; TENAGLIA, Gustavo C. ; HUNT, Julian D.Hunt, Julian D. ; RAMOS, Dorel S. ; PEREIRA JUNIOR, A.O . Reducing the Intermittenci of Renewable Energy Sources with Seasonal-Pumped-Storage Plants. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYDROPOWER, WATER AND ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS, v. 2, p. 24-30, 2015.

FACHINELLI, Natália P.; PEREIRA Jr, Amaro O. Impacts of sugarcane ethanol production in the Paranaiba basin water resources. Biomass & Bioenergy, v. 83, p. 8-16, 2015.

GROTTERA, Carolina; PEREIRA, Amaro O.; LA ROVERE, Emilio Lèbre. Impacts of carbon pricing on income inequality in Brazil. CLIM DEV, v. 8, p. 1-14, 2015.

BERSALLI, G. ; PEREIRA JR., A.O. ; FERES, José G. ; REIS, E. . Desarrollo de las Energías Renovables en América Latina: La Polítcas de Promición y el Rol de la Integración Energética. Integración & Comercio, v. 1, p. 215-225, 2015.


